Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Update from Home - YEA

So we arrived home by 1:30pm today.  I received a script for diastat with very explicit details on how to administer it.  We were also told to continue the abuterol every four hours. I made an appointment to meet with our PCP tomorrow.  Also we had missed our appointment with our orthopedic yesterday,  I called them Monday to let them know I was at the hospital - where their office is located.  His nurse spoke with our resident doctor and they agreed to have an xray of her pelvis area.  I was relieved to hear that the ortho doctor would look over the xray and come speak to us about it on Wednesday.  So today when he came into the hospital room, I informed him that her femurs were different lengths. He examined her and stated that we would be getting a call from his scheduler nurse and Eva would again have to go under and have the die shot in the hip because her femur ball which is next to the pelvis has not yet developed all of it's cartilage. Usually they can see it on an xray but because of her delays, she doesn't yet have that support. 
In the car ride home she was more or less in a daze.  She was doing her left side lean - starring into space.  When we were in the house, I placed her in her room and she immediately went for the toy baskets.  I went and grabbed the rest of the things out of the car and went back to her room.  She had gone to her pants drawer and had all but three pairs of pants thrown onto the floor.  I guess she did not forget her mischeif.  She slept for about 2 1/2 hours.  I want to say that it was probably the best nap she has had in over a week - uninterrupted - no oxygen masks - no annoying iv's - no cold stethoscopes to the chest/back - a soft non plastic pillow - her fuzzy blanket  - and the singing elephant (thanks Ginny) that she talks to before it stops singing - (Yawn) I think I will take my own hint.  Until another adventure - :)

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