Thursday, February 20, 2014

Wonderful Warmer Weather

"driving home"
Eva running!
What a good day we all had today.  Before Eva & Abigail got off the bus after school, I brought the, infamous and out of service for the season, pink car to the bus stop.  Their faces on the bus was priceless.  They flew off the steps and landed into the car.  They drove all the way home, only getting stuck once in the snow, and we kept playing for a good thirty minutes later.  Eva was even running after the car just before Abigail decided to chase after her.  It was just a whole lot of fun. 
Focusing on coloring the cow... @ winery!
After we ate lunch, I decided to do some donation pickups for our event. Our first stop was an animal groomer.  The shop had rabbits, dogs, rats, snakes, a cockatoo, and most likely other animals I didn't get to see.  There was this one particular puppy that Eva played with the whole time.  He was behind a screened door but she continued to play with him.  She kept bringing him leashes, stuffed dog squeaky toys, and verbally saying "hi puppy" over and over.  It was great hearing her say that simple two word phrase.  After about ten minutes of playing with the puppy, she notices that the screen door had a knob that could be turned so sure enough, she turned it and ran for dear life because that same puppy was now trying to give her kisses.  It was hilarious!  She finally attached herself to my leg and I showed her that this puppy was ok, and soft, and happy, and... comforting her momentary sensory overload.  We thanked our pet shop owner and headed downtown to our next vendor, the Winery. 
Abigail & Victoria
Victoria & Elizabeth
That's right, I took them both to their first winery.  To my surprise, they had a piano that the kids could practice their finger stomping followed by a keepable coloring book and crayons.   We made a few more stops and made it home just in time to put Victoria's scooter together before she got off the bus.  Now I usually don't ride the kids toys but this particular scooter was really cool (and obviously I only know that from experience making sure it was safe to ride, of course!)  We had a blast outside.  Eva even got a chance to step onto the scooter, got her balance, then stepped off.  She was much more excited about playing in the snow with the shovels than the scooter.  I know that this weather won't last for long so we took all that we could.  I guess we all have a spring fever.

Friday, February 14, 2014

(Not so) Terrific three's!

We have had some good and not so good changes... I am one who likes to end on a good note so let's start with the not so goods.  Eva now is in a stage which most know as "terrible twos" but educators call it a developmental milestone.  She has started to show more dislikes.  For example, when we leave from school to go to therapy, she refuses to eat knowing that we are on our way. She also is choosing to not take naps anymore.  So, I actually found this out a hard way.  I thought she was sleeping but when I heard some noise I found her actually playing... With her powder.  I also found out that baby powder can potentially ruin a vacuum.  Good thing we carried a warranty.

 Eva is also also being a bit more picky with her foods she chooses to consume.  When we have a meal, let's say its carrots, potatoes and chicken, she will only eat three maybe four bites of the potato, and that's it.  She will not even try the others.  I am starting to supplement at night now with milk and carnation.
Let's now focus on the good.  No matter what the weather, she loves going outside. When it is at least 25 degrees, we all get our snow gear on and head to the park for sledding.  Eva loves to go down the hills by herself without a sled, which is just super cute. We stay for about an hour or two and then head home.  She just loves all of it.  One day when it was just a little to cold for her to be out but her sisters insisted on going out, so I decided to stay inside with her. When we were finished with a book, she stayed in her room to play.  When she came out of her room, she obviously was trying to tell me something... and then showed me... I understand that she now has the concept of our family motto "what's fair for one is fair for all".  I love the fact that she completely undressed herself (not such a great quality) but found a hat and a snow bibs to put on.  She is just showing us her great memory and comprehensive skills.   I love happy endings. :)