Monday, March 26, 2012

SSI/HHW Update #2 & Dr Visit

I called our case worker this afternoon.  My call was inquiring about our complete disappointment from being denied by .  The Children's Special Health Services are based by the child's special needs for supplementary insurance coverage and not based on household income.  She stated that my denial letter was good news.  They base their coverage by the child's special needs and not solely on income.  Eva's file was sent to the Medical Review Team (a bunch of nurses) on March 8th.  She also stated that I should be hearing something within the next two weeks.  If I do not hear anything by April 9th, I will call her back.
We also went to the doctor today.  Our regular pediatrician is off on Mondays so we had another Doctor.  He stated that Eva had a bad cold and that we should give her either Benedryl or Zytrex.  So, after we left (I was a bit disappointed with the results and Abigail did not get her routine nurse visit lollipops) we headed to the store and picked up some generic allergy medicine.  I fixed our lunch and gave her the medicaiton including the Tylenol and seizure medication.  Later tonight during dinner, I noticed while feeding her that she had those red blotches around her neck and cheek area.  I took her out of the high chair and checked her temperature.  It was 102.8. I gave her a double dose while Abigail got me the cool washcloths.  She did not like the cold, wet towel under her armpits but after 20 minutes, her fever was 102.1 and falling.  She was still clinging to my lap and I could tell that she did not want me to give her any indepenence just yet.  After another 30 minutes her stability, body temperature, and balance was improved.  Her temperature was just over 100.  Around 8:30 tonight, she seemed to be more back to normal.  Now - I am not sure what type of cold this is but I know that if we have another day like this tomorrow, we will be taking another visit to see our doctor and get some lollipops. 

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