Monday, February 13, 2012

A good Update - Ear tubes installed

So we had our procedure done today with ear tubes.  Everything went well.  What I don't understand is why doctors schedule patients to be there two hours in advance as an outpatient (especially an infant).  It is so disturbing for the parent to see their child be uncomfortable without food/drink and they do not understand why.  I know there is not a solution to this but I am sure that two hours is a bit excessive.
As far as Eva is going - when I was asked to go back to recovery, she was drinking her juice and was still thirsty.  So thirsty that she drank two additional cups before we had left.  She even ate a whole cup of applesauce and about a 1/2 cup of puffs.  She also felt a little warm so they took her temperature and it was 99.0.  I asked for preventative Tylenol.  I think the nurses thought I was being overzealous but I would say I was taking precautionary measures.  I got a free bottle of Tylenol out of it - well it probably wasn't free. 
We left and picked up Abigail and headed to see dad.  After that, we ventured home where a gourmet turkey, cheese, yogurt, and Popsicle lunch was served.  Then, she took a 4.5 hour nap.  It seemed excessive but well needed after the anesthetics. 
I must say the cutest thing was her little gown, way to big on her, that was extra small, had lions, bears, and tigers on it.  It also said "lions, tigers, and bears...oh my!"  What an ironic print for a child's gown. 

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