Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Counting more, Not sheep

Eva started school last month and she is beginning to show improvements in such little time so far.  I have also seen some behaviors that are better and of course are worse.  I always try to be an optimist by starting with the good:  She can now use her counting skills and count to whatever number she thinks she is counting to. The video shows her counting, Eva style.  Also, she can show us now if she does not want to do something or want something by shaking her head "no".  This is assume is all learned behavior.  On the other hand, she now can use her bottom lip to cover her entire mouth when she is displeased.  To top it off, she is throwing these tantrums.  Just cries and gets all worked up if she can not get what she wants.  I am curious if this is also learned behavior or just her catching up to her cognitive level.  Either way, we just do not like this new behavior. 

She also received her first cold of the year.  It started last week and was taking accelerated doses of prednisone and a z-pack.  After the second day, her sleeping became irregular. She was waking in the middle of the night, 3-5 times, coming into our room and ultimately getting about 4-5 hours of sleep.  During nap time, which normally she would take at least three hours, have now turned into just an hour or so.   I know that some KdVS children have abnormal sleeping habits.  Is this the beginning of it?  Are we supposed to look forward to these sleepless nights?  Could it just be a side effect from the medicine?  I thought children needed ten hours of sleep.  Even my oldest sleeps ten hours a night.  Not sure where this path will take us but I am hoping this will subside, soon. 

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