Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Baby Bullying


Today we were trying to get our schedule back to normal so we went to the Y for a workout.  After I was finished I got the kids out of Childcare and we had some spare time.  Abigail wanted to go to the play room.  So we went over there and Eva was casually walking around.  I decided that since I hadn't really videoed her lately, now would be a great chance.  They have this wonderful two story padded climbing and activity play set and these puzzle shaped vinyl floor pieces that the kids love to play with.  Anyway, I didn't want the other people in there to wonder why I was videoing Eva so I just was flaunting it.  So here it is...

The mother was very apologetic (after she made her daughter hug a complete baby stranger) and said that her daughter was in this "pushing stage".  I wonder if Pavlov had one of these?  Then the mother asked me about her shoes and if she had braces on.  I gave her little info about her legs being different sizes and her braces for balance.  During my explanation, Eva got right back up and was climbing, falling, walking, falling, and playing until it was time to leave.  While we were walking out, she finally started to get a little upset and I don't think it is because of her fall.  I don't think she will remember this situation but I am pretty sure her mother will. 

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Finally getting over "sticky" heat

So, it has been eleven days and I think that she is finally getting over this viral cold.  I was relieved to say that through all of the many fevers, medication every four hours, predisone, abuterol, and multiple naps during the days, she did not have a seizure.  She has continually been going up hill.  We really saw a difference today at a friends birthday party.  Luckily for everyone, the rain held and the overcast clouds relieved us from the deep heat.  We were outside with the multitude of toddler activities.  Eva was so thrilled to be outside.  She was literally walking from one swing to a Tike car; from a jumper to a wagon; from a chair back to the swing.  When she would loose her balance and fall forward, she would shift her weight forward and squat to stand up.  Her activity today was from about three weeks ago and she was so close, then took a turn backwards, and is now speeding back to where she was.  I am still hoping and predicting that she will be in full walking mode by her sister's birthday in August. 
An update on the Legal case:  I have received letters from our orthopedic, pediatrician and our neurologist. I have also asked three different therapist for letters.  They are all supporting Eva's case against the CSHCS of Indiana.    I will continue to push this issue forward until she gets the services she deserves. 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Summer Sticky - Not the Heat!

Well, here we go again.  On Monday, Eva started to get a cough.  I thought that it might have been from being in the pool but it was by far not cold outside to make any sense.   On Tuesday morning, we had our therapy session and she was not as motivated as she normally is and the cough was becoming more predominant.  I was watching her while she was napping and noticed that her breathing was a bit unsequencial and overworked.  I decided to call our family doctor to see if they could get her in before the day ended.  I was fortunate enough that we could get in at 3:30.  Our nomal doctor was not there and we were seen by a different doctor that is not familiar with her.  He checked her lungs which were a bit rackely, her fever was 102.2, and then decided to have the nurse come back for vitals. The oxygen level read between 90-92.  After reviewing her records and knowing her past, he suggested to call an ambulance to take her to St. V.  So it was 4:30pm and I was at the hospital, again.  When we got there, the nurses attached her to the vitals machine, which her oxygen level fluxuated between 98 and 100, her lungs
did not sound crackely but her fever peeked at 104.7.  She was very lethargic and tired.  They gave her ibuprofen and Tylenol to lower the temperature, she got a chest x-ray, uhrine sample, abuterol treatment, and lots of Nemo.  About 6:45, she was coming back to having a little more energy.  And, I think she was hungry.  The nurse got her some comfort food, applesauce, teddy grahams, and rits crackers and two containers of apple juice.  She finished the crackers and apple sauce and seemed more content.  I got some common to her toys out of the diaper bag and was of course watching Nemo.  We waited for the uhrine test and x-ray to be looked over.   I was about 8:30 and she got completely comfortable in her bed and fell asleep.  Finally around 9:30, the nurse returned with the results and all came back normal.  I truely thought we were in for a short staycation but she said that we were going to be discharged.  The doctor came in and said the horrible word to me, "viral".  We went home, and I continued to give her the Tylenol, ibuprofen and abuterol. 
On Wednesday it was Independence Day.  She continued to cough but her nose was running like a faucet.  The fever continued throughout the day but did not get past 102.  We continued to give her medications all day, every three hours, including overnight. 
Now it is Thursday and the symptoms continue.  I called our doctor and we had an appointment at 11:30.  She slepts until 9:30 and volunteered to stay in bed until a little after ten.  I did get her up pulling her crusty hair from the side of her cheek.  She was not hungry or that thirsty but finally she decided to have some
juice.  We left for the doctors office and thankfully our pediatrician was there.  She wanted to check her lungs again by doing an x-ray.  She also listened to her chest and said that her heart beat was a bit faster than normal.  I would assume that that is from the 101.9 fever.  Our nurse did check her oxygen level and it was at 99 to 100 percent.  We left the office and went downstairs for the x-rays.  I must mention that Eva does not like getting x-rays.  After we got home, I had my phones close by to expect a doctors call.  I gave Eva some applesauce and turkey and she happily went to take her nap.  Our doctor called and said the x-ray was still normal.  She did mention that she wanted to see Eva again next week.  She also sent in a prescription for predisone.  After she woke up, I gave her a breathing treatment, Tylenol and the presidone.  She was very clingy and was coughing nonstop.  I can only assume that the medicine is loosening anything that is making all of the mucus from her nose and her coughing continue.  I am going to continue with the treatments, fever reducers, and medicine for as long as it takes to make this horrible summer "viral" go away!